Friday, September 26, 2014

Testicular cancer

No, not me. Western civilization. Russia may be showing a little more in the way of "cojones" right now than the rest of the West - Europe and America, anyway, but Western Europe has bent over to appease its muslim immigrants and muslim "citizens" (although they don't consider themselves to be citizens of the European countries they live in). America has its trousers at half-mast, but hasn't quite bent over yet, although it is starting to lean forward. And heavily to the left. [late ed. change ;-)]

Those of us who have been paying attention know how far "multi-culturalism" has taken over countries like Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, England. It is fairly common knowledge that Geert Wilders, a member of the government of the Netherlands, has been harassed by his own government for "hate speech" for the truths - most of them easily proven to be factual - he has spoken concerning islam. However, as much as I despise the governments of Scandinavia and Middle Europe for their coddling of muslims, the most craven, cowardly, disgusting government is that of the United Kingdom.

Where the other governments of Europe are suffering from the cancer, England has not only had a bi-lateral orchiectomy (surgical removal of those two little organs), but the cancer has spread to every part of the "body politic".

Not too long ago, a local politician gave a speech at a street rally in which he related a quote of something said by Winston Churchill concerning islam and muslims. [You probably have noticed I refuse to capitalize the word - it is because I refuse to show any respect for the cult of islam] This politician was arrested, because his voicing of that quotation was deemed likely to "incite" the local muslims. So, obviously, Europe has a problem with free speech. Oh, wait - I misspoke. Free speech is permitted, but only if it is done by muslims. They can speak of killing infidels, of beheading non-believers, of wiping Israel from the face of the earth, of destroying America, the "Great Satan". They can curse the very British government which provides free housing and billions (that is not an exaggeration) of pounds of money and other assistance to muslim immigrants, without fear of reprisal. So, no free speech for the countries' own citizens ("subjects" in the case of the UK), but complete freedom of expression for muslims.

That is not the worst of it. As Paul Harvey used to say, here's the rest of the story.

Recently, it became public knowledge that the borough of Rotherham in the UK had experienced well over 1400 cases of rape, gang-rape, forced prostitution, forced drug addiction for the purpose of sexual abuse and forced prostitution, grooming for prostitution and sexual abuse (the only distinction being whether the sex was paid for or provided as a "courtesy" to friends or acquaintances), as well as beatings, being doused with gasoline and threatened with death. The victims were all young, female, and British non-muslim. It is believed that the number of girls victimized may actually be more than double that figure. One young victim verbally confronted one the muslims who "groomed" her for sexual abuse when she saw him on the street, and was violently arrested by the very police who looked the other way when the muslims used her.

One thing that stands out like a neon sign is the fact that the British media refuses to identify these scumwads as muslim. The papers all call them "Asian". None of the names you read are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Filipino, or even Malaysian. They are all Middle Eastern, and the scum involved are all muslim. In much of the UK, they are predominantly Pakistani, as I believe were most of the Rotherham animals involved.

I know that a number of parents did actually try to get the police - and the city council - to do something during the 16 years this was known to be going on, but nothing was done because the perpetrators were muslims. I must say I just can't understand how this continued so long without at least _some_ of the fathers killing some of the muslims involved. Yes, I understand that the British are sheep, that they permit their government to do things that should have ended when the Magna Carta was signed (although we are catching up with them in that sense, since our government has been ignoring the Constitution for many years, especially since Wilson and FDR, but even more so since the Obamination took office). I also know that a number of the young girls victimized were children of single mothers, some of whom were drug addicts and not even available as a parent to the girls.

Nonetheless, had this happened in some parts of America (notably the South, and parts of the West) I feel certain a torch-light parade of fathers, brothers, and concerned citizens would have piled Pakistani bodies on the outskirts of town soon after it was discovered to be going on, not simply protesting it verbally for sixteen years.

Oslo, Norway has been trying to conceal for some time the fact that 100% (again, not an exaggeration) of the rapes occurring in their city have been perpetrated by muslim males. Yet, even that pales against a town that would look the other way while thousands of young girls were raped, gang-raped and otherwise victimized by muslim scum. But - don't for a minute think that this hasn't been happening in other towns and cities in England, as well.

I hope someday that islam will be recognized as a cancer on the face of the earth, and that the death cult will be eradicated, perhaps beginning with the destruction of the islamic shrines in Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem (a place that Mohammed never actually visited). It should be done, not simply because of the damage to so many muslim children and women, the damage to innocent citizens in Israel, and in various other countries around the world, but because the beliefs and behaviors of the cult are so vile, with no redeeming value whatsoever.

Any muslims - or wanna-be muslims, muslim apologists, or other fellow travelers - who wish to visit me to dispute the issue, feel free to contact me. I would be perfectly happy to provide explicit directions to where I live. Just keep in mind that this is rural, mountainous country, and I have three or four sturdy shovels close at hand.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Resurrection - and my usual diatribe

I have been away from this blog for some time, now. The biggest issue was having moved to a location where I did not have Internet access. Driving ten (or thirty) miles to a public library was not conducive to maintaining this blog, even if I had composed most of my posts off-line. However, I now have satellite access.

I debated whether or not to perform CPR on STL (Slogging Toward Liberty), as there simply isn't anything I can do to help return this country to anything approaching a condition of liberty. At least, not within the system as it exists. However, I did come up with two reasons for starting to post again: First, because it helps me work through some of the thoughts and emotions I experience watching our country swirl down the drain at the hands of an incompetent, mean-spirited, bigoted, race-baiting SOB and his sow of a faux wife, and Second, because I hope that I can open a few eyes to some of what is actually happening to America - and the world - right now. 

This isn't hubris, as I don't have much in the way of answers and I certainly am not bright enough to see the whole picture. Nonetheless, it does not take a rocket scientist to see a lot of what is going on right now is wrong, is damaging to us as a country, as a society, as a civilization and culture. Sure, the progressives would have you believe in "multi-culturalism", that every culture, every society, religion, racial agenda, and sexual deviance (I'm not talking about gays here) is not only acceptable, but is of equal value.

Perhaps that is why NOW and the feminists in our country refuse to speak out against female genital mutilation of infant daughters, wives and sisters by muslims. Why they refuse to speak out against the maiming, the acid-throwing, the cutting off of nose and ears, the stoning to death of girls and women who have displeased their fathers, husbands, brothers, or the local imam. Why they refuse to speak out against the fact that the Qu'ran allows the muslims - encourages them - to feel free to sexually penetrate any female child nine years old or older. Why it permits them to place their penises between the legs of even infants, as long as they don't sexually penetrate them (merely using their tiny bodies to masturbate themselves upon). Why it is acceptable even if they do penetrate the child, as long as they become responsible for that child for the rest of its life. Feeding, clothing, sheltering. Of course, the Qu'ran does not say the food must be healthy or of sufficient quantity. It doesn't say the clothing must be enough to keep the girl child warm. It does not say they can't be "sheltered" in a closet under the stairs. It doesn't say they must be protected from continuing to be raped and abused by any male member of the family, or even male friends of the "husband". Nor does the Qu'ran say the child cannot be beaten daily, routinely, by any member of the family, especially the women of the household, who resent having an additional mouth to feed, clean up after (when she bleeds or becomes sick from sexual abuse and beatings).

Oh, but the progressives will tell you "Islam is a peaceful religion. It is as valuable, no, it is more valuable than Christianity, than Judaism, than any of the other religions of the world." Try to deprive a muslim of a copy of the Qu'ran, or harm a copy of the Qu'ran, and the weight of the government, of the multi-cultural Left (but I repeat myself), will come down upon you. Our children who are raised to be Christian are not permitted to utter a prayer in public, at a sport or other gathering, yet the muslims are permitted to block whole streets in New York City and elsewhere when they decide to kneel in the street and pray to Allah, the "god" who favors the desecration of children and women, who, through his prophet Mohammed, has decreed that infidels must die. Peacefully, I suppose, if by that they mean they must die without resistance.

The ISIS (which the Great Pretender prefers to call the ISIL, as if the word "Levant" gives the group the right to rape and kill in that part of the world), is indeed muslim, is indeed of Islam. Orthodox Islam. The only true Islam. Those fools who speak of "moderate" Islam are ignorant. They do not know, or refuse to admit, that there is only "Islam". Those few who practice (or pretend to practice - we will get into "taqqiya" at a later date) so-called "moderate Islam" are actually disobeying the Qu'ran. They are disobeying the dictates of Allah claimed by his child-raping prophet, Mohammed. They are considered apostates, and the Qu'ran directs every true muslim to kill all apostates, for they are worse than infidels, having been muslims at one point in time, but choosing to deviate from the true path of Islam.

No our buddy B. Hussein O. is only pretending to attack ISIS, accomplishing two goals: looking like he is doing something to stop them, in the hopes of improving the PR of the Democratic Party for the up-coming elections, and at the same time wasting, throwing away, as much of our inventory of Tomahawk missiles and other ordinance as he can without actually harming any of his muslim friends in ISIS or elsewhere. Besides, he is a blood-thirsty little shit, and enjoys watching video of people getting blown up, as he does with many of the drone attacks he has ordered or approved. He enjoys what he feels is the "god-like" power of ordering a Hellfire missile from a drone dropped on the son of a noted (though never proven) American muslim terrorist who had already been killed in an earlier drone strike, as well as other deaths he has caused or approved.

Okay, this is a bit disjointed, even if not quite "stream of consciousness". I don't know how many folks will bother reading a long screed like this, so I'll stop now and continue later. These are issues that are important to me, so I will try to be good about keeping this blog going. I don't know if anyone will read it, as even those few who visited in the past stopped when I stopped writing. I'm hoping a few might return, and that a few new folks might wander by and have cause to consider what I have written. Take care. (Edited 9/26/14)