Sunday, March 3, 2019

A good question: Who is pushing to normalize transgenderism?

I ran across this article by a lady who argues reasonably, logically, that the transgender movement is brought to us by the efforts of a surprising number of people, billionaires who have figured out how to profit mightily from this movement. This lady, Jennifer Bilek, has researched this question extensively, and presents her findings in a very believable fashion. This definitely is not "conspiracy theory", although I have no doubt the Left will try to devalue this information by claiming it is.

At the start of her article, she says:

"As an environmental activist who was deplatformed from a speaking venue by transactivists, in 2013 I developed curiosity about the power of this group to force this development. A year later, when Time magazine announced a transgender tipping point on its cover, I had already begun to examine the money behind the transgender project.
I have watched as all-women’s safe spaces, universities, and sports opened their doors to any man who chose to identify as a woman. Whereas men who identify as transwomen are at the forefront of this project, women who identify as transmen seem silent and invisible. I was astonished that such a huge cultural change as the opening of sex-protected spaces was happening at such a meteoric pace and without consideration for women and girls’ safety, deliberation, or public debate.
Concurrent with these rapid changes, I witnessed an overhaul in the English language with new pronouns and a near-tyrannical assault on those who did not use them. Laws mandating new speech were passed. Laws overriding biological sex with the amorphous concept of gender identity are being instituted now. People who speak openly about these changes can find themselves, their families, and their livelihoods threatened.
These elements, along with media saturation of the issue, had me wondering: Is this really a civil rights issue for a tiny part of the population with body dysphoria, or is there a bigger agenda with moneyed interests that we are not seeing? This article can only begin to graze the surface of this question, but considering transgenderism has basically exploded in the middle of capitalism, which is notorious for subsuming social justice movements, there is value in beginning this examination."
Give a look at this article, and I think you will find yourself not only agreeing with her, but with a better understanding of some of the occurrences we have seen recently that we were not able to explain before reading her study.