Thursday, June 25, 2020

Black Lying Marxists

I posted this on Farcebook today. It was actually meant for here rather than FB, but because I have been neglecting STL for so long, I wrote it there first. The few friends and family who bother to read my disjointed sputterings don't visit here. Hopefully, a few "old timers" who still have a link here will read this and get something out of it.

BLM: Black Lying Marxists. They have no interest in helping blacks, only in tearing down our country, our communities, our culture. "Systemic racism" is merely one of the lies they tell to push gutless Democrat politicians/mayors/city council members into allowing them to destroy cities, tear down American history, ignore the true issues blacks are dealing with (like black-on-black crime), and "burn down" our society.
They are a vile, vocal, violent minority subsidized by people who want America destroyed - like Soros and the organizations he has created and financed (e.g. the "Open Society Foundation"). Soros believes only America stands between him and his goal of global government, an oligarchy which will take away the God-given/natural rights that every _individual_ possesses.
You have only to look at Cuba and Venezuela in order to see what will happen to America if we allow the Democrats to push the Marxist agenda of BLM and other groups which are trying to divide Americans and destroy our country. These small groups would be unable to succeed if Democrat politicians such as Pelosi did not assist them in their destruction. Pelosi and the Democrat politicians who assist her in these endeavors are truly traitors, aiding and abetting the enemies of America.

There is a young lady who left Venezuela to come to America, and she stated that the end of liberty _begins_ with tearing down the statues. With demonizing our history - which is happening every day that our K-12 schools are open - and indoctrinating our children. They have been teaching for some time now that "old white men", who killed the "First People" ("Native Americans", although they didn't originate here in America, either), were evil, and responsible for every death, every crime against reds, blacks, yellows, and even other whites, never mentioning that they simply killed each other until we arrived. That the white Europeans (who created all of the wealth of the culture and knowledge of Western Civilization) were evil, oppressive devils who abused and debased everyone else. Those "teachers, using Common Core and other nonsense curricula in their goal of reducing the knowledge while increasing the ignorance of children, have been teaching students all across the country to hate themselves for being white, or to hate whites because they _aren't_.

They have been teaching far too many lies to list. Another popular one is that the muslims created our system of mathematics. This has been told for so long and so often, that many people believe it. India created our system of mathematics, and the muslims simply lied and laid claim to it, to enhance the reputation of their crude, perverted, and violent actual culture. Their claims (repeated without any basis in fact by NASA and other muslim apologists, thanks to Obama's love for his brothers in islam, a love far superior to his disdain for  the American citizens who elected him, and for whom he swore an oath to protect and defend - along with the Constitution. Of course, he had his fingers crossed behind his back when he stood there in front of millions of us (those who watch TV, anyway), pretending to mean everything he said.

The Marxists were, and are, very clever, even though they are ignorant of much of the truth. They understood, more than a hundred years ago, even before the progressive Woodrow Wilson and FDR -   who was an extreme socialist himself, far preferring the company of Josef Stalin to that of Winston Churchill (much as Obama also preferred) - that taking over and changing the nature of education was the best way of perverting the culture of America. They started by subverting the teachers' colleges, pushing deeper and deeper into socialist thought, into believing in the collective, rather than in the individual and individual rights. The moved away from phonetics - a method of teaching reading that did not require the memorization of individual words to actually . They continued to develop teaching methods that made learning difficult, thinking for themselves almost impossible. 

The Left wants people to be docile, ignorant, and unable to solve their own problems, dependent upon the state for either employment or welfare, but not developed into a strong middle class. Permitting the establishment of a strong, knowledgable, independent middle class is too risky. People capable of using logic and reasoning to make their way through life would be a threat to an oligarchy, to a government run by those who consider themselves elite, smarter than the "common man", better able to decide what is "best" for the peons. Those people currently exist - many of the bureaucrats in the State Department are of that mind. Many are related to each other by blood or marriage, have attended the same Ivy League universities, joined the Council on Foreign Relations as did their fathers, brothers, friends of the family. The Deep State™ is populated by those believing themselves superior to the rest of us. Think of the arrogance of Comey, Strzok, Brennan, and so many others in various bureaucracies and three-letter agencies. Think of the Obamas, the Bushes, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, McConnell, Boehner, Ryan, and so many others.

Well, enough. I've probably bored you to death, if you've even read this far. If you are not already familiar with how long-winded I am, you are now. I apologize, but I was raised before the advent of the "sound-bite", the catch-phrase, the "tweet". If you get something from my meanderings, my often scattered thoughts, feel free to take it just a paragraph or two at a sitting, like you might with a novel or textbook. If there isn't enough substance, or my conservative views are too much, too far out to enable you to agree with anything I write, that is fine. Thanks for visiting, and I appreciate your willingness to come this far. If any of this rings a bell for you, or causes you to re-think your assumptions, reach different conclusions than you had before, you are more than welcome to return and visit at your leisure. I am no pundit, no Victor Davis Hanson (barely on the same _planet_ with him), but I think some of my conservative beliefs can bear repeating. If they caused you to think about some of these issues, I can ask for no more.


  1. BLM are useful idiots, bottom feeders who accept the lie that they are useful in "the struggle", that what they do will cause white people to accept their inherent racism and kneel, which some people have actually done over the last three weeks. To the detriment of all people, no matter the skin color. Oops, can I type that? don't want to offend a LBGTQEIEIO something, even though none of those worthless "people" would never read here. To our advantage.


    Good to see you posting again, Reg, even if just for a short time.

  2. Grog, read your welcome comment a day or two after you wrote it here, but my reply is no longer showing. I must not have properly clicked on it when I thought that I had completed it.

    I'm going to try to be more frequent about posting, even if only repeating posts and comments I've made for family and friends on Farcebook or elsewhere (PMs, mostly - I don't do Twitter or any of the other social media). November will be here far sooner than we expect, and it is going to be an "interesting time" to refer to Chinese sark. I'm trying to remain optimistic .


Sorry, folks. I was completely ignorant about comment rules. Anyone can post, but I'd prefer a name, even if it is made up. Anonymous posts just seem cheap, if you know what I mean. Also, if you want to argue a point, that's fine. Cheap shots and name calling towards me or another person commenting (ad hominem) is rude and will get you banned. Other than that, I'd love to get some comments.