Monday, June 29, 2020

How the DNC disenfranchised Democrat voters

Has anyone come to the same conclusion that I have on the whole Democrat candidate for President farce? On why they have been running a demonstrably mentally "disadvantaged" candidate for President? How they can even imagine that running him would be good for the country (which they obviously DON'T care about)? The DNC may have been throwing nominees at the wall by the bushel, looking to see who might stick, but - as we saw in 2016 and again now - the DNC is who actually chooses the candidate, NOT the voters.

Don't get me wrong, the Republicans do it, too. Ron Paul was very popular when running against Obama, too popular for the establishment Republicans, the RNC and influencers hired by them (and the bankers, especially with his determination to "audit the Federal Reserve"). So the Republicans refused to count most of his votes, and he eventually dropped out, in spite of receiving far more donations, far more money than McCain. He either figured out, and/or was actually told, that he would "never be the man".

We saw it happen again this year, with Bernie. Oh, they let him run with the rest of the Democrat Rat Pack, but it was a forgone conclusion that he would be bought off (was given a very nice house last time) once again. Still a downer for him, but I'm sure it was explained very well that he would step down, and why.

So, this time they are bypassing the Democrat voters altogether. Yes, all of the primaries were a farce, a sham, as the DNC knew it would be running a man suffering from dementia. That way _they_ can pick who they truly want in office by picking the VP. If their voter fraud mojo is strong enough (they will go all-out this time, not making the mistake they made with Hillary, thinking they had it in the bag), they will inaugurate him, and then sadly use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office (Hillary would probably have just "tagged" him), making _their_ choice for President the new President.

Pick this apart if you can, but it makes sense to me that this is what we are seeing here, in slow motion.

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Sorry, folks. I was completely ignorant about comment rules. Anyone can post, but I'd prefer a name, even if it is made up. Anonymous posts just seem cheap, if you know what I mean. Also, if you want to argue a point, that's fine. Cheap shots and name calling towards me or another person commenting (ad hominem) is rude and will get you banned. Other than that, I'd love to get some comments.