FIJA - the Fully Informed Jurors Association, which I have posted on before - has just produced a new brochure that ears inspection. You can see it at FIJA.org. Here is a part of it:
Bringing Justice Back to
the Courtroom
When you are called for jury duty, you will be one of
the few people in the courtroom who wants justice,
rather than to win or to score career points. For you
to defend against corrupt politicians and their corrupt
laws, you must get on the jury. During the jury
selection, prosecutors and judges often work together
to remove honest, thinking people from juries.
When you're questioned during jury selection, just
say you don't keep track of political issues. Show an
impartial attitude. Don't let the judge and prosecutor
stack the jury by removing all the thinking, honest
Instructions and oaths are designed to bully jurors
and protect political power. Although it all sounds
very official, instructions and oaths are not legally
binding, or there would be no need for independent,
thinking jurors like you.
Bringing Conscience Back
to the Courtroom
Judges will lie to you. Your conscience is your best guide
to justice—and to right or wrong. When you are a juror,
the judge will tell you to ignore your own conscience
and obey what the judge says. That is just plain silly—
nobody gives up their own sense of right and wrong just
because some stranger in a costume says so.
Although the judge may sit behind a big desk or
wear a black robe, nothing gives any stranger—
or anyone—the right to tell you to ignore your
conscience! A judge may try to get you to follow
some corrupt laws passed by corrupt politicians who
appointed that judge.
You need to be as skeptical about what you hear
from the judge and other lawyers as you are skeptical
about anyone trying to sell a used car. Use your
conscience. Think for yourself.
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