This blogger has it right: the Vatican, especially in the person of his Holiness (the former Hitler Youth member), does nothing about the slaughter of thousands of Christians killed by muslims around the world. Mouthes a few pious platitudes, whimpers a few mewling cries over the slaughter, but doesn't speak of the vileness of Islam, that it would wantonly kill Christians and Jews, including their women and children. Doesn't demand that the imams tell their muslim followers to stop the killing. The photo at the right is in Nigeria, where muslims killed these Christians. Most had machete wounds, as well.
APRIL 24, 2011
islam continues the slaughter of christians & jews unabated ... the pope still cowers, and the arch bishop of canterbury is carefree & oblivious as only an idiot can be ...
doing what they do best, muslims over in the middle east slaughter christians and jews, and burn and defile churches and synagogues.
why wouldn't they? there are no penalties for such thing in islam. the wolf runs free, his ravages unimpeded.
there is no protest from the church in the west, nothing more than a little pious whimpering and hanky wringing over the martyrdom of the poor unfortunates in the middle east, and vapid importuning about the grace of the lamb at the slaughter.
the pope and the archbishop, clad in ermines and silks, their cheeks glistening with the chicken fat of their suppers, suffer these outrages in sympathy with those of their flock who are murdered. better they should rouse themselves from the comfort of their campfires, and tend their flocks where the wolves run. but, they leave not their sinecure, and they are too cowardly to go among their faithful and face the ravages of islam with piety and meekness, as they tell those who are dying to do.
they lead from the rear, as the generals of any dying civilization do.
there is no outrage over this in the west. no coverage in the media. if it weren't for the valiant efforts of pamela geller at atlas shrugs, no one in this country would ever know of these events. i am not going to link to any specific article, her pages are replete with the posts almost every day. go there.
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com , read for yourself.
what must the muslims think of this, as they play witness to their depredations and murdering every day, and not so much as an expression of outrage from any political or religious "leader" in the west?
well, i will tell you what they "must" think, and what they "must" conclude from this.--
what they think and conclude about this is that the west has no virtues, beliefs or values which it holds dear enough to consider them defiled and debased by islamic attack, let alone anything which will enrage them enough to rise to their own defense, and/or the defense of what they hold dear to their hearts, and necessary for the vitality and vigor of their own souls.
what in the world must we do to these people to rouse them, the muslims wonder?
oh, yes, threaten their gluttonous appetite for oil, and the bombs fly. but, attack their religious beliefs, rape and murder their citizens, kill babies, ... , none of this seems to bother or concern them in the slightest.
the muslims conclude, and in this i must share their assessment, that in the west nothing is held sacred, and life itself is squandered by religious leaders and politicians with nary a concern for the pawns who get in the way of historical dictate.
is there any wonder in your mind in the slightest, why islam pursues terrorism and the rape and murder of religious "adversaries?" if so, you are a dolt. plain and simple.
john jay @ 04.24.2011
p.s. and, the pope and the arch bishop are clueless idiots, and moral cowards. they should rise up in righteous anger over this, and proclaim to islam, enough!!, or we loose the dogs of war upon you. but, they are too chickenshit to do so, to put the matter plainly. pope, arch bishop, issue the encyclicals that give the faithful the right to wage religious war against the g_d damned muslims, so that we can at least protect ourselves if you are too craven to do it, with the power and authority and resources of the churches you lead. if you will not lead, get out of the damned way, and let the faithful do it for you.
at least we believe in g_d, and in christ, as prophet or messiah, it makes no difference. pope, arch bishop, it is apparent that you believe in nothing, except the possibility of some pretty good retirement benefits, when you finally have the grace to die. you puerile bastards, why aren't you in egypt, and syria, and iraq, protecting your flocks, confronting the wolves. there, you deaths might count for something. and, at least the deaths of those you consign to oblivion by your cowardice, might mean something in defense of the faith.
god spit on you, you feckless bastards.
john jay
Posted at 04:19 PM | Permalink
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