In responding to a loyal Internet friend who stops by here to check for my sporadic submissions, I find myself motivated to skate around the fringe of "conspiracy theory". Allow me to state right up front that there are indeed many such that are made up of whole cloth, that belong on the pages of the supermarket publications that try to catch your eye in the check-out line, yet some do hold a fragment of the truth.
Consider this for a moment: what if these "newspapers" and magazines are being paid to present a theory that is true in order to cause most of us to immediately disregard it? Think of a"dossier" whose creation was made possible by a fervent desire to unseat a sitting President, a cabal of Deep State actors who hold that desire, a very large sum of money provided by a sworn enemy of America who has been financing a tremendous assault upon our southern national border, and the subversion of due process and our system of justice, our rule of law by the aforementioned.
Does it seem a bit strange that we are seeing a larger number of mass shootings in such a short time-frame, when these things normally happen in random spurts of insanity, in local events, and in fewer numbers? Have we not also seen some of these shootings, such as the Tucson shooting where Giffords was wounded, was targeted by a left-leaning mental case?
I believe there are too many mass shootings occurring in such a short time span for them to have happened without assistance from the Left. I believe they have been engineered and set into motion to force President Trump into a corner, forcing him to seriously consider not simply a condemnation of the shootings, but to "do something" - to push for further gun control, right at the start of his campaign for re-election.
Permit me to posit a number of interesting facts along with some suppositions:
The Left, as represented by various Democrat presidential contenders, Deep State actors, loud and illogical Congressional freshwomen (not being politically correct here, simply aiming for a particular group), and various other political rabblerousers in the media and at large, have all made it very plain they want our legally and properly elected President removed from office. This is an unassailable fact, which even the Left itself would support.
The President, due to these mass shooting incidents, is being advised by his people and those on the Left to "do something" - a catch phrase used by politicians which usually is equivalent to the desire to be seen as responding, but via the restriction of someone's unalienable rights.
I've been around for almost seven decades, and thanks to such events as the Vietnam War, the social upheaval of the "Sixties", and the later evolution of the Web through "bulletin boards" and now not only the Internet in general, but through "social media", I have been politically conscious for a good portion of the time involved in those changes. It was a long and relatively slow process, during which my social evolution exhibited a change mentioned (via attribution, at least) by Sir Winston Churchill:
"If you are in your twenties, and are not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are in your fifties and are not a conservative, you have no brain."
This evolution of consciousness was aided by the fact that the Fabians (precursors to today's Left, whose agenda included taking over teacher's colleges and training generations of teachers to think and teach in the dialectic of the Left) had not yet completely taken over our system of education at the time I attended high school in New York. This was, believe it or not, a school which did its best to teach its pupils to think. To learn and use logic. To reason out the truth through the use of critical thinking, which was taught as an actual course, offered and taken by many of us in our senior year.
So, here we have a number of incidents, occurring so close together as to be happening at approximately the same time, politically, at least. Happening as the Left was running an incredible number of Democrat candidates for the Presidency through their paces, almost as a "shotgun effect". Instead of actually targeting the process and their platform with one or two individuals who represented the Left's that platform, they have thrown a large number of candidates - all socialists, if not outright communists, like Bernie Sanders - against the wall to see who might stick.
All of those candidates are anti-Second Amendment. Several of them openly stated they wanted to dismantle the Second Amendment, remove its protection of the right to keep and bear arms, stating that they would confiscate some or all of the weapons owned by many millions of Americans, weapons that Americans have a right to own and carry. A right that should be unassailable, but which has actually been attacked for much of the history of government in America.
Another fact: many millions of Americans, especially those who cherish the protection provided by the Second Amendment, consider that right a go-no go gauge of a candidate for the office of the Presidency. George H.W. Bush is considered to have lost his bid for a second term in office because he willingly assisted in the addition of more gun control legislation during his first term, in spite of having campaigned as a supporter of the Second Amendment. Many of us Americans refused to vote for him because of this.
The Left is certainly quite aware of this fact. So, I repeat my premise: I believe there are too many mass shootings occurring in such a short time span for them to have happened without assistance from the Left. I believe they have been engineered and set into motion to force President Trump into a corner, forcing him to seriously consider not simply a condemnation of the shootings, but to "do something" - to push for further gun control, right at the start of his campaign for re-election.
I have read a number of comments, in a variety of venues, wherein staunch conservatives have stated they will not vote for Trump if he helps create and pass further gun control. The passage of a new regulation by BATF banning "bump-fire" stocks, which was supported by Trump, was considered a "warning shot". Further gun control - especially "Red Flag" legislation, which removes due process from any citizen accused by almost anyone, without fact or warrant, which gives law enforcement the power to confiscate all of his firearms - would be deemed by conservatives as proof that Trump cannot be trusted, that he has failed to support his own word that he would defend the Second Amendment.
The loss of those millions of votes, especially when compounded by the repeat of the voter fraud perpetrated by the Left in the last (and prior) elections may very well spell the end of America. If Trump loses, a socialist will be elected. A socialist who has already admitted they will seek confiscation of our firearms. A socialist who will work to insure that our government becomes a tool of the Left, run by the Democrats as their puppets. If the Democrats are able to take over the government, this will indeed be the last election ever held in America. This country, which was given the opportunity to create a place on Earth where freedom and justice could live and grow, will have died. "Democratic" Socialism - aka tyranny - will rule from then on.
An attempt to share my belief that America needs to reclaim her identity, and that Americans need to reclaim their liberty before it has been completely stolen from us. It will be a long and arduous journey. [Note: My father flew both of these aircraft, with the Eighth Army Air Force in WWII (B-17) and with the Strategic Air Command after the war (B-52). Photo by Master Sgt. Michael A. Kaplan, USAF]
~ Thomas Jefferson