So many liberals, excuse me, "Progressives" on the Left claim that large-scale immigration is necessary because there are jobs that Americans - even the unemployed - simply won't do. That there are thousands, millions of people South of the Border who are willing to come up here and do them, if we would simply stop persecuting them, discriminating against them, and open our borders.
An attempt to share my belief that America needs to reclaim her identity, and that Americans need to reclaim their liberty before it has been completely stolen from us. It will be a long and arduous journey. [Note: My father flew both of these aircraft, with the Eighth Army Air Force in WWII (B-17) and with the Strategic Air Command after the war (B-52). Photo by Master Sgt. Michael A. Kaplan, USAF]
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The jobs Americans just won't do.
So many liberals, excuse me, "Progressives" on the Left claim that large-scale immigration is necessary because there are jobs that Americans - even the unemployed - simply won't do. That there are thousands, millions of people South of the Border who are willing to come up here and do them, if we would simply stop persecuting them, discriminating against them, and open our borders.
They just don't get it.
Monday, June 27, 2011
TSA needs to die. Literally.
Soul mate
I don't know who this guy or gal is, but we are definitely cut from the same cloth. As a veteran who spent over eight years giving back to other veterans by working at a shitty VA hospital in Roseburg, OR (it was only shitty for the last six of the eight - ask me who the Directors were during that time ;-), I just came across this photo of a note posted on the window of a veteran's center in the great state of Washington.
One Double Standard, Coming Right Up
Those few folks who know me have an idea how I feel about anti_Semitism, and the Jews. It's possible I might have mentioned coming close to strangling my ex mother-in-law (while she was still my m-i-l) when she stated that the Jews got what they deserved in the Holocaust. She is representative of much of the Left, as they claim to be compassionate and caring, claim to be supportive of minorities, but are strangely silent - including even "Progressive" Jews - when the subject is anti-Semitism, or Israel.
Friday, June 24, 2011
A look at the future in store for us, if we allow it.
There are many in this country who believe guns are evil, that they cause people to do harmful, deadly things that they would never do if there only weren't any guns available. Of course, there is no logic capable of supporting this belief, nor any facts that encourage such a supposition, but they continue to believe it nonetheless.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Firearms Freedom Act and the Tenth Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The Tenth Amendment speaks to the fact that the Founders of our nation, our Republic, intended that the Federal government be limited in scope and power. It reiterated the intent that the people, and through them their own individual state, possessed all powers not specifically delegated to the Federal government, the "United States". Please remember that the"United States" were so called because the states joined together to accomplish some limited goals that were more easily realized in concert than separately. There was never any wish to relegate complete control to a central government (except perhaps by a few misguided, elitist individuals such as Alexander Hamilton.)
The Federal government, as all governments do when let off the leash by a lazy, distracted and unsuspecting citizenry, seeks to grow its power, to control all that it can. Because of this fact, the weakly written Commerce Clause has been interpreted by politicians and Presidents to mean that anything they wish can be controlled by the Federal government.
It was bad enough when the Federal government applied it to all items which physically moved between states, but since before WWII it has been applied to anything you do. Farmers who grew wheat and raised livestock and grew personal gardens all for their own personal use were harassed, arrested and convicted under the Commerce Clause. IIRC, the justification was that they were depriving the economy of other food producers in other states by not purchasing their produce, instead consuming their own. This continues to this day. The FDA and the Department of Agriculture can control what you grow and what you consume of and on your own property. Personal vegetable gardens, goats and cows kept for personal consumption of their milk and meat and offspring, wheat grown to make only your own bread or pasta.
Recently, several states - including the beautiful state of Montana where I currently am residing - have passed legislation, signed by their governor, which codifies that a firearm produced entirely within the state and kept only within that state is not subject to any Federal firearm laws. Montana was the first to pass such a law.
Of course, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (which many of us believe should be the name of a convenience store, not a Federal agency) is trying to convince people, and the legislature of the states involved, that Federal law supersedes state law. This may be true when considering laws that pertain to Federal powers granted by the Constitution, but as the Commerce Clause was not intended to control activities within a state that did not concern or affect other states' ability to conduct commerce with each other, it does not apply to the Firearms Freedom Act, which is entirely intrastate.
Here is a web site that speaks to this issue. Since this is a good "foot in the door" aimed at recovering some control from that which has been usurped by the Federal government, it should be supported by anyone who A) believes in "states rights", especially as written in the Constitution and reflected in the Tenth Amendment, and B) wishes to begin to curb the excesses of governmental control over ever aspect of our lives.
Please check out this web site, read conservative opinions written about the Commerce Clause and about the Tenth Amendment/states' rights. I say "conservative" because we all have heard the government's liberal, indeed socialistic interpretation of these issues: that you have no rights beyond those which the Federal government wants you to have, and only when it wants you to have them. In order to read anything other than that, you will have to force yourself to check conservative web sites which talk about the Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment, and the Fourth Amendment, which the Supreme Court is busy trashing through their social activism.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
FBI/Police raid targets children
I've posted about illegitimate SWAT raids, but this one struck me as especially egregious and morally reprehensible. We've recently heard in the news about a child being killed in a raid where one of the officers fired a round which hit the little girl. Here no one was killed, fortunately, but imagine being a parent and seeing officers actually target your small children, even momentarily.
"They had guns on my wife, my babies. I'd like to know how they would feel -- the people in my house -- if that happened to them," he said.
What is especially disturbing is the knowledge that, due to prior court cases and the recent Supreme Court decision which dismantled the Fourth Amendment, the FBI and police will suffer no consequences whatsoever, in spite of the fact that they could have easily killed children had their trigger discipline failed.Read more: Bellevue family sues FBI over 'terrifying' raid - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Monday, June 13, 2011
Important - Vaccinating children safely
"The proponents of the vaccine/autism link feel that there may be underlying factors that predispose one child to autism versus another – a genetic quirk, a mitochondrial disorder, an immune system sent into overdrive by too many vaccines. To them, when it comes to vaccinations, one size doesn’t fit all.
Some of these parents have gone to vaccine court. In March 2008 Hannah Poling’s family won a claim saying that her autism was most likely triggered by receiving five shots against nine illnesses in one day. Hannah had mitochondrial disease – a nerve disorder that causes autism-like symptoms and is brought on by viral illness. In Hannah’s case, the vaccines did what viruses do: they triggered the reaction. Over the past 20 years, the government has quietly paid out 900 million dollars for vaccine injuries. And in the wake of the Poling verdict, the government has called for new safety studies to see if genetics might make some kids more susceptible to vaccine injury."
Please read the entire page at the link above.
And for those of you who know I simply can't leave politics and a concern for freedom out of the equation, here is another topic: Jodi speaks to the fact that high-functioning autistics - such as those with Asperger's Syndrome - may seem to be close to normal, but their syndrome, their behavioral symptoms, still leave them at risk:
"I think the hardest thing about having Asperger’s, though, is that there are times these kids look completely normal. And then at other times, it is blatantly clear that something’s a little different. The parents of AS kids I met with worried about this, and how – in their absence – their children would be able to communicate to others. One mother told me that she’d read AS kids should carry a card in their wallets, stating that they have autism. That way if a police officer approached, the card could be handed over. But this mother also asked, if her son reached for his wallet, would the policeman wait patiently – or assume he was going for a gun, and shoot first?"
[Considering the Diallo case in New York (immigrant shot while reaching for his wallet and ID), the recent shooting of a young Marine with a wife and two young children in Tucson, AZ, and the many other instances of police over-reaction and excessive force we know of, this is a very real concern. Reg]
Saturday, June 11, 2011
the Washington Post and the rotting corpse of journalism
I put down Stephen King's latest book without finishing it when I read, out of order, his afterword in which he whines that Sarah Palin is wacky because she believes in the concept of "death panels" springing from Obamacare/The Affordable Care Act (or whatever the hell the "real" name is.) These liberals are so afraid of Palin because she challenges all of their misconceptions with easily discernible truth and logic.
If they paid attention to the state of the British National Health System - which Obamacare is modeled on - they would see that rationed care forces the system to limit the care available to us old folks who are no longer "viable, useful, productive" members of society. In Britain, if you are over fifty and can't afford private health care, you will be refused dialysis. Even if it means you will die, as many Brits needing dialysis do die, where they would live if they were being treated in our current healthcare system. Hell, prisoners in jail for life without parole can get dialysis in this country. Right now, at least. What do you want to bet they will continue to get it even when Obamacare fires up and your grandmother (my contemporary ;-) is denied?
So, these liberal fools - are you listening, Stephen? - can't help themselves. They attack Sarah Palin every chance they get, crowing about her "mistakes" and supposed ignorance, only to discover she was correct and they were wrong, as with the whole Paul Revere thing. He did indeed warn the British, trying to trick them into thinking more Minutemen were coming to fight than actually could get there.
Now the Washington Post has openly discarded any attempt at even appearing to possess any journalistic integrity, and is asking its readers to help them find something to harass Palin with, to damage her reputation. Talk about slime.
The Sarah Palin email adventure...
One of our most basic rights is freedom of the press.
The FIRST Amendment -Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedomof speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceablyto assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Department of Justice? Hardly.
muslims "Taken" with sex-slavery
Muslim Woman Seeks to Revitalize the Institution of Sex-Slavery
Posted By Raymond Ibrahim On June 6, 2011 @ 2:21 pm In Muslim Persecution of Christians | 38
Last week witnessed popular Muslim preacher Abu Ishaq al-Huwaini boast about how Islam allows
Muslims to buy and sell conquered infidel women, so that “When I want a sex-slave, I go to the
market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her.”
This week’s depraved anachronism comes from a Muslim woman—political activist and former
parliamentary candidate for Kuwait’s government, Salwa al-Mutairi: She, too, seeks to “revitalize
the institution of sex-slavery.”
A brief English summary appeared in the Kuwait Times (nothing, of course, in the MSM):
Muslim men who fear being seduced or tempted into immoral behavior by the beauty
of their female servants, or even of those servants “casting spells” on them, would be
better to purchase women from an “enslaved maid” agency for sexual purposes. She
[Mutairi] suggested that special offices could be set up to provide concubines in the
same way as domestic staff recruitment agencies currently provide housemaids. “We
want our youth to be protected from adultery,” said al-Mutairi, suggesting that these
maids could be brought as prisoners of war in war-stricken nations like Chechnya to be
sold on later to devout merchants.
The Arabic news website, Al Arabiya, has the sordid details, including a video of Mutairi addressing
the topic of sex-slavery. I summarize and translate various excerpts below (note: I am not making
any of this up).
The Kuwaiti activist begins by insisting that “it’s of course true” that “the prophet of Islam
legitimized sex-slavery.” She recounts how when she was in Mecca, Islam’s holiest city, she asked
various sheikhs and muftis (learned, authoritative Muslims) about the legality of sex-slavery
according to Sharia: they all confirmed it to be perfectly legal; Kuwaiti ulema further pointed out
that extra “virile” men—Western synonymous include “lecherous,” “perverted,” “lust-driven”—
would do well to purchase sex-slaves to sate their appetites without sinning.
Here’s a particularly interesting excerpt from her taped speech on the rules governing sex-slaves:
A Muslim state must [first] attack a Christian state—sorry, I mean any non-Muslim
state—and they [the women, the future sex-slaves] must be captives of the raid [i.e.,
jihad]. Is this forbidden? Not at all; according to Islam, sex slaves are not at all
forbidden. Quite the contrary, the rules regulating sex-slaves differ from those for free
women [i.e., Muslim women]: the latter’s body must be covered entirely, except for
her face and hands, whereas the sex-slave is kept naked from the bellybutton on up—
she is different from the free woman; the free woman has to be married properly to
her husband, but the sex-slave—he just buys her and that’s that. So the sex-slave is
different from the free woman.
She went on to offer concrete suggestions: “For example, in the Chechnyan war, of course there
are female Russian captives. So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait; better that than
for the men to engage in forbidden sexual relations. I don’t see any problem in this, no problem at
Mutairi suggests sex-slaves be at least 15 years-old.
She further justified the institution of sex-slavery by evoking 8th century caliph, Harun Rashid—a
name some may recall from bedtime stories out of the Thousand and One Nights; a name some
may be surprised to discover politically active Muslims modeling their lives after:
“And the greatest example we have is Harun al-Rashid: when he died, he had 2,000 sex slaves—so
it’s okay, nothing wrong with it.”
Her rationale is apparently guided by a sense of efficiency, a desire for the good of society:
legalizing sex-slaves ultimately helps prevent Muslim men from sinning with Muslim women, and
thus transgressing Allah’s laws; sex-slaves provide a convenient, Sharia-compliant way of satiating
their libidinous urges.
This approach has universal precedents. For example, in the West, some seek to legalize
marijuana, arguing that many will use it anyway, and shouldn’t be punished for it by the law. In the
Muslim world, we have those who seek to legalize sex-slavery, arguing that many men can’t get
enough women, and shouldn’t be punished for it by Allah.
Such are the “nuanced” differences between the Western mindset (based on reason and universal
rights) and the Sharia mindset (based on the commands of a 7th century Arabian warlord).
Mutairi concluded by piously supplicating Allah: “Oh I truly wish this for Kuwait, Allah willing—Oh
Lord, Lord, you are bountiful.”
While she waits, Mutairi can take solace in the fact that, if sex-slavery is not institutionalized in
Kuwait, it thrives in the black markets of the Muslim world, where non-Muslim girls, especially
Christians, are routinely abducted, enslaved, and forced into lives of unspeakable degradation.
Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:
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Thursday, June 9, 2011
Copsuckers, Mobsters and You the Citizen by Kent McManigal
Americans are no longer free (and haven't been for a while now)
STOCKTON, CA - Kenneth Wright does not have a criminal record and he had no reason to believe a S.W.A.T team would be breaking down his door at 6 a.m. on Tuesday.
"I look out of my window and I see 15 police officers," Wright said.
Wright came downstairs in his boxer shorts as the officers team barged through his front door. Wright said an officer grabbed him by the neck and led him outside on his front lawn.
"He had his knee on my back and I had no idea why they were there," Wright said.
According to Wright, officers also woke his three young children ages 3, 7, and 11, and put them in a Stockton police patrol car with him. Officers then searched his house.
As it turned out, the person law enforcement was looking for was not there - Wright's estranged wife.
"They put me in handcuffs in that hot patrol car for six hours, traumatizing my kids," Wright said.
Wright said he later went to the mayor and Stockton Police Department, but the city of Stockton had nothing to do with Wright's search warrant.
The U.S. Department of Education issued the search and called in S.W.A.T for his wife's defaulted student loans.
"They busted down my door for this," Wright said. "It wasn't even me."
According to the Department of Education's Office of the Inspector General, the case can't be discussed publicly until it is closed, but a representative confirmed the department did issue the search warrant at Wright's home.
Wednesday morning, inspector general spokeswoman Gina Burress provided the following statement:
"The Office of Inspector General does not engage in the collection of student loans. Our mission is to conduct criminal investigations related to the programs and operations of the U.S. Department of Education, which include the student financial aid programs. We can confirm that we executed a search warrant at the residence, however our policy is not to discuss details of our on-going work."
The Office of the Inspector General has a law enforcement branch of federal agents that carry out search warrants and investigations.
The Stockton Police Department said it was asked by federal agents to provide one officer and one patrol car just for a police presence when carrying out the search warrant.
Police officers did not participate in breaking Wright's door, handcuffing him, or searching his home.
"All I want is an apology for me and my kids and for them to get me a new door," Wright said.
Now, I understand that there may be more to the story. It is possible (or it may simply be an attempt by the Dept. of Education to make themselves look less horrible) that this young man may have assisted his wife in the alleged fraud. However, even if he did, even if he had been the sole perpetrator of some serious, hundred thousand dollar student aid fraud, would you feel an armed and violent SWAT response putting three small children at risk was justified? That an armed assault upon his home was warranted? Here is a post that covers the bases pretty well, posted by Alvie D. Zane at his blog, "Cliffs of Insanity" (and how appropriate in this instance): Raided for Student Loans
We have accepted the complete erosion of our rights by law enforcement. They can stop and detain us whenever they want. They can arrest us whenever they want. They can beat us whenever they want. They can take us to jail whenever they want. They can SWAT raid our house, stomp our kittens, shoot our dogs, force our pregnant wives against the wall causing them to miscarry, shoot at us 71 times (only hitting 20 times out of the 71, however), refuse to allow the paramedics into the house to treat us, so that we die, and then lie about it in public and in court. And suffer no consequences whatsoever, not even temporary embarrassment.
As we have seen in the past, they can shoot a twelve year old boy, put a bullet from a sniper rifle through the mouth and into the brain stem of his mother, who was holding her infant child, burn over 70 men women and children in the basement of their church, destroy the evidence of how those men women and children were shot at and prevented from leaving the building to give themselves up to avoid being killed, and suffer no consequences at all. Unless you consider getting promotions a consequence.
I am not a rabid cop hater. I worked for the San Diego Police Department as a police officer. I worked as a police officer in small towns in Connecticut and California, and spent over ten years with the California Highway Patrol in Communications. I worked with a lot of good cops. But I also worked with cops that were sociopaths and had no business wearing a badge. [Like Tom Riggs, who graduated in the same academy class I did at San Diego PD, and Donovan Jacobs, two racist sociopaths who abused the wrong black man one day and paid a price for it. Like Craig Peyer at the California Highway Patrol at Border Division in San Diego, who was convicted of the murder of Cara Knott.]
The use of SWAT teams has gotten completely out of control, however, and more and more citizens are paying the ultimate price for it, like Jose Guerena being killed by the Pima County (Arizona) SWAT team here recently, and now this incident where SWAT is used to effect a search of a private home for student aid fraud. Why did they use armed officers for a search warrant for a totally non-violent crime?
Back in 2004, a man named Jeff Snyder wrote an article called "Walter Mitty's Second Amendment". I think it is appropriate to include it here, because it speaks to how much of our freedom, how many of our natural rights, we have given up, allowed to be ignored/infringed/abrogated/over-ridden. I think it is obvious that what freedom we thought we had is merely an illusion. And the lack of any significant response to the Department of Education's SWAT raid has given me another reason to believe this.