For those of you who have read my posts wherein I state that I believe Obama has worked out the means to force his own re-election in November, no matter how the citizens of this country vote, read this article from Ron Paul's web site, "Daily Paul". In it, the person posting writes that the Obama administration is outsourcing the counting of votes for more than half the states in the Union, via a Spanish company that has connections to George Soros.
An attempt to share my belief that America needs to reclaim her identity, and that Americans need to reclaim their liberty before it has been completely stolen from us. It will be a long and arduous journey. [Note: My father flew both of these aircraft, with the Eighth Army Air Force in WWII (B-17) and with the Strategic Air Command after the war (B-52). Photo by Master Sgt. Michael A. Kaplan, USAF]
Monday, April 30, 2012
Will Your Vote Be Counted?
For those of you who have read my posts wherein I state that I believe Obama has worked out the means to force his own re-election in November, no matter how the citizens of this country vote, read this article from Ron Paul's web site, "Daily Paul". In it, the person posting writes that the Obama administration is outsourcing the counting of votes for more than half the states in the Union, via a Spanish company that has connections to George Soros.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saudi Grand Mufti approves of sex with a dead spouse for muslims
Known as the 'Farewell Intercourse' law, the measure is being championed as part of a raft of reforms introduced by the parliament that will also see the minimum age of marriage lowered to 14 for girls." (ANI)
Ann Barnhardt, known for her video - which "went viral" - where she denounces islam by quoting actual Sura in the Quran which expose islam for the death cult that it is (burning each page that the quotes were taken from), speaks to further evidence of the vileness of this fake religion as shown in this attempt by the islamists in Egypt to pass a law allowing necrophilia. Her article, Necrophilia Is Not A Joke, explains her stand on this horrifying display of the sickness inherent in the practice of islam.
While you are trying to digest this information, consider the possible corollaries: as the Unified Code of Military Justice has recently removed all punishments previously provided for sodomy and bestiality, due both to the end of DADT and the acceptance of muslims into the military, perhaps now necrophilia will become permissible as well, at least for muslims in the Armed Services. Perhaps the military will have to accept the presence of 10 year old girls as the spouses of muslim servicemen in the Armed Forces.
Additionally, wherever muslims live, could we begin to see the killing of even more muslim wives, wives killed simply because they refused sex with their husbands, who decided a six-hour window of "pleasure" was worth the lack of response available from a recently deceased wife?
These are not idle considerations, but realistic possibilities based on the pronouncements of imams and muslim legislators.
Do you still think it is possible to co-exist with muslims?
Do you understand this is orthodox islam we are talking about, not some "extremist" version?Fast and Furious Film Production - Please Help
Mike McNulty, the producer of "Waco - Rules of Engagement", is looking to produce a film on the debacle run by BATF (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) called "Fast and Furious". For those few of you who come here that may not know what Operation Fast and Furious was, please visit the web site of David Codrea called "A Journalist's Guide to Project Gunwalker", wherein he and Mike Vanderboegh broke open the story of how the BATF coerced a number of private gun stores into selling over 2000 semi-automatic weapons - so-called "assault rifles", including a number of .50 caliber sniper rifles - to criminal buyers who then transported them into Mexico where they were given to their real purchasers, the drug cartels. Their facts and information were provided by direct testimony from BATF agents who were ordered by their superiors to allow the guns to be "walked" into Mexico, even though they knew people would be killed with those weapons.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Who's Your Daddy?
Ah, it's good to be back to the old Blogger interface. Took me a while to realize there was a way to recover it.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
If I Wanted America to Fail, aka Dreams from My Fathers
This video is so true to our times, to what is being done to us and this country in the name of "government", "the environment", "Anthropomorphic Global Warming" (AGW - now "Climate Change", since all the lies about warming have been proven false and fraudulent), "social equality", "wealth distribution", the "needs" (greed and sloth-driven desires) of the "99%" and the OWS crowds, and the propaganda that the "filthy rich who aren't paying their fair share of taxes" (and they aren't talking about Obama's cronies at Goldman Sachs, The Federal Reserve, Lehman Brothers, Jon Corzine, Tim Geithner, etc.)
It doesn't mention the race war that Obama, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson have been trying to foment, but it doesn't need to do so. It speaks directly to how our country is deliberately being sabotaged.
Please watch this. It isn't long, but it is very important.
(Sorry. This horrible new version of blogger won't allow me to embed the video.)
Friday, April 20, 2012
Bank of America supports Obama, not America
Monday, April 16, 2012
Why carrying a knife can be as useful as carrying a gun
Kerodin at IIIpercent to Bonnie Gadsden to Straight Forward in a Crooked World, a chain of posts that takes you to the article "Dark Arts for Good Guys: the Right to Knife" Part 1 and Part 2. Direct and real, even ugly in places, but excellent information that could save your life.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Great article by "Burned Out LEO"
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Thoughts to ponder and keep you safe
I am currently reading a book called Survivors, by John Wesley, Rawles, also the author of Patriots, A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse. He is a former U.S. Army Intelligence officer, and has been a survivalist for many years. I realize to some who read this, including some of the Left-leaning members of my family, the word "survivalist" conjures some negative images, holds some negative connotations. Also, the notion of a "collapse" is often considered a bit of paranoia "clung" to by those of us who mistrust our government and the way the economy is being mishandled.
Being prepared for emergencies is the duty of any parent, any man responsible for a wife and/or children, elderly parents, or other responsibilities. If a man prepares for a tornado, a hurricane, or a forest fire where those are prevalent, as out West, he is considered thoughtful and wise. If he buys life insurance to protect his family should he die, or disability insurance should he be injured and unable to work, he is considered a smart and responsible individual.
Those of us who prepare - now being labeled "preppers", almost as derogatorily as we used to be called "survivalists" - are not considered wise or smart to create our own insurance should the system break down more significantly. Having been raised where hurricanes and blizzards were a part of life, it was not unusual to find yourself without power for a week or two after a very bad storm, or with the roads so badly blocked by snow that you couldn't get to a store to buy food, and it wouldn't be open even if you could get there. In the Northeast, at least, it was common to keep a large pantry where at least a week's worth of staples (and usually more) was available to keep the family fed.
Many years ago, having had a friend who became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints, I was introduced to the idea of storing a year's worth of food. This was a requirement for LDS members (probably better known as "Mormons", although I think there may be a bit of an insult involved in calling them that) back then, although I understand that at one point it was upped to two years. Living in the country as I prefer to do, this sounded like a sensible idea to me. From what I understand, the LDS folks are required to do this in case there is some sort of economic collapse or societal upheaval, but in many, many instances it has kept a family well fed when the bread-winner has been injured and unable to work, or laid-off and unable to find work immediately. Can you imagine the relief many families living today would feel, where the husband has lost his job due to our terrible economy, knowing they could at least feed themselves? To not have to beg for food or listen to your children cry, going to bed hungry?
So, I decided this was a sound idea, one that couldn't hurt, and could easily help. Storing other necessities beyond food seemed like a reasonable extension of this notion. Have you ever run out of toilet paper, perhaps discovering there wasn't even a box of Kleenex in the house? If you haven't, does that sound like something you'd like to experience? (Sears isn't putting out the big catalogs they used to make available ;-) It is an easy step from there to stocking a bit of everything you might need. When it is used, you simply replace it with more from the nearest Walmart, Costco, or supermarket.
The argument you get from those with more "liberal", collectivist tendencies is that being a survivalist (now "prepper") is "all about guns". While that certainly is untrue - you can't eat a gun, or purify water with one, or dig a garden, fillet a fish with one, or wipe your bottom with one, they are still useful, especially for us who live in the country. In Montana and Wyoming - even in far Northern California where I used to own a little 40 acre ranch - bears can be a problem, one that can't always be avoided. Sometimes they seek out your pets or your livestock for food, as do coyotes and mountain lions. We had all three in Northern California, when I lived just outside of Yreka, up near the border with Oregon.
As society becomes more violent, with more rapes and assaults and robberies and home invasions happening, especially in the urban areas, being able to defend yourself calls for more than a cellphone and some pepper spray. It is easy to say, "Oh, I live in a safe area. I don't have to worry about that", but allow me to tell you that you are wrong. Having worked in law enforcement on and off for over seventeen years, I will remind you that the bad guys have cars and trucks, and don't merely prey upon their own socio-economic class. A Nike-wearing CEO who jogs down quiet neighborhood streets in Portland, Oregon is as easily assaulted and raped - and even murdered - as a poor Hispanic lady forced to carry her groceries on foot from the local bodega to her basement apartment in the nasty part of town.
Guns are tools. They are not inherently evil, cannot operate themselves, and most of them are incapable of going off on their own even if dropped onto hard ground. Like all tools, they can be misused. A hammer can drive a nail or smash a skull. A knife can cut some rope or slit a throat. And for those who claim that they only purpose for a gun is to kill, I call "bullshit". The primary purpose for a gun other than providing meat for the table via hunting is for the stopping of violence. For the purpose of preventing harm caused by someone intent on doing that harm. Sometimes the only way to stop someone who wants to hurt or rape or kill you is by actually firing the gun at that person, but in many, many more instances, the mere threat of being shot is enough to cause a bad person to turn and run away. There are millions of defensive uses of guns every year in this country, compared to the mere thousands of times they are actually fired, or the few thousand times they actually kill someone. Far more people die from improper treatment by doctors and hospitals ("medical misadventure" is the euphemism), or by car accidents, than die from firearms in this country.
So. The bottom line, one which the folks on the Left do not want you to understand, is that the gun is insurance. Just like afire extinguisher which you hope you never have to use, or that jack and spare tire in your trunk. Or the life preserver (PFD - personal floatation device) you had better be wearing anytime you go out in a boat or kayak. Those of us who carry handguns or other firearms do so not because we want to use them to kill, but because we want to use them to keep from being killed ourselves. Or to protect those we love.
If you and your wife, or you and your husband, are accosted by three or four men who have decided to rape someone, they certainly will be done with both of you long before a police officer could respond, even if you have the opportunity to dial 911. As a former police officer, I know this for a fact. Often, those who rape have already developed criminal records and don't wish to return to jail or prison, so they are not interested in leaving witnesses behind. Some of the scum who inhabit our world even enjoy the feeling of power they get from the taking of human life.
Possessing a firearm and the training to use it effectively can save your life. Often merely displaying a weapon will stop the action, but you must understand that this can only be done when your life, or the life of another, is in danger of serious bodily injury or death. That can mean one attacker if you are frail, female, disabled, or elderly. It can mean someone smaller than you, if they have you down and are trying to seriously injure you, or if they are armed with a club or a knife or gun.
We can never know when violence will present to us, anymore than we know when a forest fire or a tornado will threaten us. Being armed is simply a means of insuring that you have a better chance of going home alive if you or a loved one is attacked. It is a good feeling to know that you are prepared to deal with the possibility of violence should it occur. And I promise you that the gun will never leap into your hands to wantonly take the life of someone innocent. With a little training, a little information, and some common sense, it will never threaten your children or family, friends or neighbors, either. It can be as safe a tool as any other in your toolbox, workshop, or kitchen.
And remember that violence used in the defense of those you love and wish to protect is neither evil nor wrong.
“Anyone who clings to the historically untrue- and thoroughly immoral - doctrine that ‘violence never solves anything’ I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, The Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon.
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms”.
Robert A. Heinlein, from Starship Troopers
.Gov violates the Bill of Rights - repeatedly
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Constitutional crisis, redux
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Constitutional crisis?
Tom Baugh, the author of Starving the Monkeys has written an article titled The Supreme Militia. In it, he speaks to the fact that Obama has spoken of the Supreme Court in disparaging terms, calling them "unelected" (as if that diminishes their authority) and saying that they should not overturn legislation which has been passed by "a strong majority" (a utter lie that anyone who watched the process that Pelosi and Reid used to force the Affordable Patient Care Act through Congress is well aware is a lie). He basically has ordered them to find it Constitutional, this legislation that was passed without a single Republican vote, that required promising billions of dollars of earmarks to various Congressional members, and of lying repeatedly about both the cost of the bill and its effect on the citizens of this country and the health care to which they would have access.
Monday, April 2, 2012
It's coming. Can you hear it?
"Americans have thus far been unable to deal with the reality of our desperate circumstances. They remind me of people who see the ocean recede from the shoreline and curiously venture out where the sea had flowed to pick up trinkets and pretty shells with no sense of what is truly happening. The deadly 20 foot high tsunami headed their way will be a complete shock when they are swept away in a torrent of bad debt and worthless currencies. " Jim Quinn of The Burning Platform, via Zero Hedge.